Name: Manifestations of dyslexia: Cross-linguistic studies of the development of reading and writing 
Project status: From: 2009-01-01 To: 2013-12-31 (Completed)
Contract number: VR 2006-2318 
Action line:  
Type (Programme): Ostali 
Project cost: -
Project funding: -
Project coordinator
Organisation Name: Department of psychology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden 
Organisation adress: Box 500, S-40530 Gothenburg, Sweden 
Organisation country: Sweden 
Contact person name: Erland Hjelmquist; Tomas Tjus 
Contact person email: Email 
Croatian partner
Organisation name: Filozofski fakultet 
Organisation address: Ivana Lučića 3, 10000 Zagreb 
Contact person name: Gordana Keresteš
Contact person tel:
01 6120 100  Contact person fax: 01 6120 037 
Contact person e-mail: Email 
Organisation nameCountry
Short description of project
Dyslexia is a neurologically based disorder in which fluent and accurate reading and spelling skills are acquired very slowly and with difficulty. Both reading and spelling require complex processing skills. The asumption of most models of reading and spelling in alphabetic languages has been that phonological processes are the primary ones, with orthographic processes playing a secondary role. Typically, visual and auditory working memory are not considered in these models. One of the reasons for the lack of inclusion of possibly important cognitive processes is that most of the studies of normal and atypical reading and spelling have been conducted in the English language. However, researchers studying other languages have found evidence for differences in the manifestation of dyslexic problems. The purpose of this program of research is to conduct a series of studies testing an alternate and more complex model of the development of reading and spelling skills (Smythe & Siegel, 2005) in a number of different languages. The languages chosen are, besides English, Swedish, Estonian, and Croatian, because they represent a variety of orthographic depths and syntactic structures. We thus have four languages which together offer an opportunity for studying the way the problems of dyslexics become manifest in very different languages. The comparison of the processes involved in dyslexia in these languages will provide information about the nature of reading and spelling and the processes that are disrupted when dyslexia develops. The specific value of this projectis theoretical as well as applied. We will be able to test the suggested model in different languages, thereby contributing to understanding if, how, and to what extent, differences in language form, structure and semantics, influence the way dyslexia is manifested. These studies will provide the basis for screening procedures in different languages for early identification of at-risk (dyslectic) children and early intervention and remediation programs but also  for children where the origin of reading and writing problems are less clear.      
Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner
In each country (Sweden, Canada, Croatia and Estonia), about 600 children aged 8-9 years will be screened. On the basis of the screening results two main groups of children, 40-50 children each, are selected for further individual assessment according to the model. One group is a low performing group (below the 20th percentile) and the other group is a normally achieving group (percentile 35-65). The estimated total time for the individual testing is maximally 3 hours, divided into three or four sessions. The testing will take place in the children's schools. Participation will be based on informed consent and the project will be submitted to the Regional Ethical Committee. The data analyses will consist of comparisons of poor and normal readers and spellers, identified in the screening phase. Within each language, intercorrelations among the measures and multiple regression and discriminant function analyses will allow the assessment of the relative contribution of these processes, identified in the model, to reading and spelling.     



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