Acronym: RegTraC 
Name: Characterization and tracking the origin of specific features of traditional cheeses in Western Balkans Region 
Project status: From: 2010-10-01 To: 2013-01-31 (Completed)
Contract number: ERA 133 
Action line:  
Type (Programme): SEE 
Project cost: 201.543,00 EUR
Project funding: 124.347,00 EUR
Project coordinator
Organisation Name: Agronomski fakultet 
Organisation adress: Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb 
Organisation country: Hrvatska 
Contact person name: Jasmina Havranek 
Contact person email: Email 
Croatian partner
Organisation name: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet 
Organisation address: Pierottijeva 6, 10000 Zagreb 
Contact person name: Damir Iveković
Contact person tel:
01 4605 292  Contact person fax:  
Contact person e-mail: Email 
Organisation nameCountry
Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Biotechnological Faculty, University of Ljubljana Slovenia 
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad Serbia 
Short description of project
There is a mutually recognised rich tradition of ewe cheese production in Western Balkans. However, research, protection and promotion of these cheeses is not coordinated neither on national nor on regional level The project aims to bring together the research teams from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia in developing a scientifically based system for the characterization of traditional cheeses from Western Balkans and apply it for the characterization of selected traditional ewe cheeses from the participating countries. The system will involve standardization of the current practices and parameters of the technological processes of production of traditional ewe cheeses in the region, as well as characterization of their physico-chemical and sensory properties, definition of dominant LAB communities involved in ripening processes and chromatographic fingerprinting. The data on cheese profiles developed through this system will be presented in the first Regional Atlas of traditional ewe cheeses from Western Balkans and Slovenia. The data in the Atlas will enable the producers to protect their products on the level of European Union through the system of Protected Designation of Origin. Furthermore, methodology will be developed for monitoring and analysing the changes during the ripening process, based on the analysis of peptide/free amino-acid chromatographic profile evolution, changes in sensory properties and monitoring the profiles of organic acids during cheese ripening. Finally, RegTraC will aim to re-establish the exchange of knowledge among Dairy Research Institutions across the region enabling scientific exchange of young researchers.  
Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner
Determination of chromatographic elution profiles of peptides, free amino acids, and low molecular weight organic acids of cheese samples; Characterization of sensory properties of cheese by instrumental sensory techniques ("electronic tongue"); Cheese fingerprinting; Development of simple, sensitive and selective biosensors for determination of low molecular weight organic acids in cheese  


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