Acronym: uGRIP 
Name: microGRId Positioning 
Project status: From: 2016-04-01 To: 2019-03-31 (Completed)
Contract number:  
Action line: ERA NET SMART GRIDS+  
Type (Programme): HORIZON 2020 
Project cost: 1.116.736,00 EUR
Project funding: 775.568,00 EUR
Project coordinator
Organisation Name: Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva  
Organisation adress: Unska 3; Zagreb 
Organisation country: Hrvatska  
Contact person name: Hrvoje Pandžić 
Contact person email: Email 
Croatian partner
Organisation name: Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva 
Organisation address: Unska 3; Zagreb 
Contact person name: Hrvoje Pandžić
Contact person tel:
  Contact person fax:  
Contact person e-mail: Email 
Organisation nameCountry
OFFIS  Njemačka 
DTU  Danska 
Short description of project
1.  Assessment of the role of storage and the price responsiveness on the consumer side. Proactive consumers, i.e. prosumers, may exploit their own flexibility or operate their distributed generation and storage units in a peak-shaving way to reduce their electricity bills. The entire economics of such an investment will be assessed and impact on distribution/transmission grids will be analyzed. 2.  Assessment of microgrid business cases for different countries, i.e. Croatia, Denmark and Germany, based on their respective grid codes and incentive policies. 3.  Development of a robust framework that optimizes the scheduling process of a microgrid while actively participating in electricity markets. This scheduling process includes uncertainty management. 4.  Development and definition of standardized communication protocols between the microgrid elements and the central computer in charge of the microgrid operation, as well as the microgrid and local (distribution level) electricity markets. 5.  Development of a microgrid at the FER-UNIZG laboratory. This laboratory already includes a hydro generating unit, a wind turbine, a CHP unit, a set of photovoltaic panels, a series of line models with circuit breakers and feeder disconnectors simulating high voltage power system network, a transformer substation fully equipped with circuit breakers, feeder disconnectors, current and voltage transformers, protection devices and control circuits. This equipment will be upgraded with energy storage units and flexible loads. Since the microgrid can be synchronized to the power grid or run in an isolated mode, we will perform different tests on a fully functional microgrid. We emphasize that the proposed research is directed towards the microgrid operation in parallel to the power system, and not the island operation. 6.  Design and development of a local market to manage the microgrid at the FER-UNIZG laboratory. This local market will drive the operation of the microgrid based on the physical features and cost structure of the microgrid components and the wholesale market price (at the transmission level). To this end, market-clearing procedures to dispatch a distributed power system will be developed, simulated and tested in cooperation with KONCAR-KET, who will also perform the real-world testing of the equipment, e.g. protocol gateway and SCADA systems, in order to gain competitive advantage over similar solutions. 7.  Developing and executing simulation scenarios integrating the available hardware components and software models with the co-simulation framework mosaik. These simulations are the first validation step before testing the new approaches in the real grid.  
Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner
Rastuća količina brzo promjenjivih i slabo predvidivih obnovljivih izvora energije zahtijeva fleksibilniji pogon elektroenergetskog sustava. Fleksibilnost je ključna značajka za povećanje iskoristivosti obnovljivih izvora jer smanjuje njihove negativne učinke vezane za promjenjivost i neizvjesnost. Učinkovit način povećanja fleksibilnosti sustava je integracije cjenovno osjetljivih mikromreža. Ovaj projekt će se baviti prvim izazovom ovog poziva razvojem pune mikromreže koja se sastoji od distribuiranih generatora (konvencionalnih i obnovljivih), spremnika energije i fleksibilnih tereta na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva u Zagrebu. U projektu će se odrediti i ukloniti barijere koje onemogućuju svekoliku primjenu mikromreža povezanih na elektroenergetski sustav ciljajući na pojedine općine, industriju te društvo u cjelini. Razvit ćemo rješenja za sudjelovanje mikromreža na tržištu električne energije. Predmetna će rješenja koristiti "pametna" rješenja (komunikacijska i ICT infrastruktura).  


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