Acronym: HR-SR 
Name: Influence of a Electrical Vehicles Charging Station on Urban Electric Power Distribution Network - Smart Cities Solution 
Project status: From: 2016-01-01 To: 2017-12-31 (Completed)
Type (Programme): BILAT 
Project funding: -
International partner
Organisation Name: Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu 
Organisation adress:  
Organisation country: Republika Srbija 
Contact person name: prof. dr. Aleksandar Nešković 
Contact person email:  
Croatian partner
Organisation name: Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva 
Organisation address: Unska 3, 10 000 Zagreb 
Contact person name: prof. dr. sc. Igor Kuzle
Contact person tel:
01/6129-875  Contact person fax:  
Contact person e-mail: Email 
Short description of project
In accordance with the objectives of the European energy policy guidelines the shares of renewable energy sources (RES) in electric power systems (EPP) has increased drastically and the trend is expected to be continued. Future EPP will consist of a large number of smaller generating units (distributed generation (DG)) in combination with the traditional centralized power plants and a large share of renewable energy sources. This will be the cause for the bidirectional flow of energy both between the transmission power grid and distribution power grid and inside the distribution system itself. Stochastic nature of the electricity production from the renewable energy sources imposes new challenges for the power system operation. Power system operation in conditions of a large shares of RES is specifically difficult since due to the lack of adequate information-communication technology (ICT) the production from RES is mostly not known exactly from the system Operator point of view. The large shares of uncontrollable RES production and a large number of not observed DG production units can lead to stability issues, voltage instability and potentially to blackouts.   Hybrid (HEV) and pure electric vehicles (EV) have become an attractive mode of transport in developed countries. The reasons for the rapid increase in the number of EVs, especially in urban areas, are manifold, such as reducing pollution of gases (today's vehicles are responsible for about 6-7% of the total pollution), state subsidies, providing free parking and charging, etc. Despite the environmental advantages, the existing passive approach to the integration process of EVs often causes local congestions and voltage problems in the power distribution network.   In case of urban distribution that will be in the focus of this project the main goal is to enable easier integration of RES and DG at the same time avoiding expansive capital investments in distribution grid but with the prerequisite of the investments into communication and control equipment. The investments in ICT infrastructure will enable active control of flexible loads and the usage of EV as energy storage (ES).   To mitigate the negative impact of EVs on the urban electric power network, it is necessary to build EV charging stations at the optimal locations in the network. The choice of optimal size and location depends on the current status of the grid and all planned DG and RES projects. Additionally the choice of the location must take into account the accessibility of the location and the frequency of traffic. Preliminary charging station locations will be determined based on the data gathered from widely spread GSM/UMTS devices will be analyzed to determine the vehicle driving patterns. This analysis includes large amounts of dana that needs to be organized and therefore complex models need to be developed. After the preliminary study the electric power grid conditions will be taken into account and the preliminary location choice will be modified to minimize the negative impact on the distribution grid and possibly maximize the positive effects. Fleet of electric vehicles will be analyzed as a potential energy storage that could store the energy produced by both currently installed and planned renewable energy sources.   The research done has an aim to ease the integration of renewable energy sources. The integral model will be developed that will be showing the interaction between distributed generation, renewable energy sources, electric vehicles and charging stations with the distribution grid. It will enable insight into the load shares between all the elements and enable robust response to fluctuations in renewable energy sources generation. Additionally islanded mode of operation of the part of the distribution network coupled with electric vehicles acting as a storage will be regarded. To ensure satisfactory supervision and control of all the elements adequate signal transmission and processing model is needed. This part of the model will use standardized communication protocols based on standards such as IES 61850.   Objectives Explore the possibilities of detecting moving vehicles using GSM / UMTS devices; Explore the possibilities of detecting vehicle traffic distribution using GSM / UMTS networks; Explore the characteristics (dana flows, delays) of public mobile GSM / UMTS networks for advanced control of electric power network in order to avoid power disruptions, avoid congestions in the network, reduce losses, and generally improve the stability of the power network; Propose criteria for the preliminary selection of the locations of electrical vehicles charging stations; Explore the current-voltage characteristics of the electricity distribution network, as well as the possible points of failures caused by the pre-selected locations of electrical vehicles charging stations, existing and planned distributed energy sources and renewable energy sources; Explore the effects of a large number of electric vehicles on the electric power network and the possibilities of using electric vehicles as distributed energy storages; Explore and improve data flows between specific elements of the electric power network by means offered by the latest information and communication technologies.  
Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner
U skladu s ciljevima Europske energetske politike, posljednjih godina značajno se povećao udio obnovljivih izvora energije (OIE) u elektroenergetskim sustavima (EES), a očekuje se nastavak takvog trenda. EES budućnosti sastojat će se od velikog broja malih proizvodnih jedinica (distribuirana proizvodnja – DP) u kombinaciji s konvencionalnom proizvodnjom, s masovnom proizvodnjom iz OIE, što će uzrokovati dvosmjerne tokove snaga između prijenosne i distribucijske mreže kao i unutar distribucijske mreže. Stohastička priroda proizvodnje električne energije iz OIE nameće nove izazove na vođenje pogona EES-a, a problem vođenja dodatno otežava DP koja je uglavnom „nevidljiva“ operatorima koji vode sustav, jer nije opremljena odgovarajućim informacijsko-komunikacijskim (ICT) uređajima. Veliki udio neupravljivih OIE i nenadgledane DP u proizvodnom portfelju, može dovesti do problema sa stabilnosti, naponskih i drugih poremećaja ili čak ispada dijelova EES-a.   Hibridna i obična električna vozila (EV) postala su atraktivan način prijevoza u razvijenim državama. Razlozi ubrzanog povećavanja broja EV, posebice u urbanim područjima su višestruki, poput smanjenja zagađenja stakleničkim plinovima (današnja vozila uzrokuju 6-7% zagađenja) pa državne i gradske uprave smanjuju ili ukidaju poreze na EV, omogućavaju im besplatno parkiranje i punjenje, korištenje prometnih traka za javni prijevoz i sl. No, unatoč ekološkim prednostima EV postojeći pasivni pristup njihovoj integraciji često uzrokuje lokalna zagušenja i naponske probleme u gradskoj distribucijskoj elektroenergetskoj mreži (EEM).   U slučaju urbanih distribucijskih mreža, koje će se razmatrati u okviru ovog projekta, cilj je olakšati integraciju OIE i DP uz izbjegavanje skupih pojačanja mreže i uz određene investicije u nadzornu, telekomunikacijsku i upravljačku opremu uključujući aktivno upravljanje potrošnjom i korištenje EV kao spremnika električne energije (SEE).   Kako bi se ublažio mogući negativni utjecaj EV na EEM u urbanim područjima, potrebno je izgraditi punionice električnih vozila na, za EEM, optimalnim lokacijama uz analizu postojeće i planirane DP i/ili OIE, što je i težište projektom predloženih istraživanja. Pri tome lokacije punionica trebaju biti na mjestima koja su lako dostupna i gdje je gustoća prometa velika. Preliminarne lokacije punionica odredit će se na temelju praćenja kretanja vozila tijekom dana, korištenjem signala masovno prisutnih GSM/UMTS uređaja, što zahtjeva razvoj složenih modela i analizu velikog broja podataka. Nakon opisanog preliminarnog izbora lokacija analizirat će se EEM na razmatranom području kako bi se odabrale one lokacije na kojima će buduće punionice imati najmanje negativan ili čak i pozitivan utjecaj na EEM. EV će se analizirati kao potencijalni SEE, a obuhvatit će se i postojeća ili planirana izgradnja DP i/ili OIE čija bi se proizvodnja mogla koristiti za punjenje EV.   Istraživanje bi trebalo olakšati i integraciju OIE jer će se razviti integralni modeli koji će pokazivati interakciju DP, OIE, EV i punionica s EES-om i raspodjelu opterećenja na elemente distribucijske EEM te omogućiti robustan odziv na fluktuacije proizvodnje OIE i, ako je to potrebno, nezavisni otočni rad dijelova EEM u kombinaciji s EV. Kako bi se osiguralo zadovoljavajući nadzor i optimalno upravljanje sa svim navedenim elementima EES-a, također, je potrebno osmisliti i odgovarajuće načine prijenosa i obrade signala i informacija na temelju standardiziranih komunikacijskih protokola poput IEC 61850 i sl.   Ciljevi projekta istražiti mogućnosti detekcije vozila u pokretu korištenjem GSM/UMTS uređaja; istražiti mogućnosti detekcije raspodjele prometa korištenjem GSM/UMTS uređaja; istražiti mogućnosti (protoci, kašnjenja) javnih mobilnih GSM/UMTS mreža u pogledu naprednog upravljanja elementima elektroenergetskog sustava (kako bi se izbjegli naponski poremećaji, zagušenja u mreži, smanjili gubici i općenito povećala stabilnost elektroenergetskog sustava); osmisliti kriterije za preliminarni izbor lokacija punionica električnih vozila u pojedinim urbanim područjima; istražiti strujno-naponske prilike u dijelovima elektroenergetske distribucijske mreže kao i moguća mjesta zagušenja s obzirom na preliminarno izabrane lokacije punionica električnih vozila, postojeće i planirane distribuirane izvore i obnovljive izvore energije; istražiti sumarni utjecaj velikog broja električnih vozila na elektroenergetski sustav, kao i mogućnost korištenja električnih vozila kako distribuiranih spremnika energije; istražiti i poboljšati strukturu tokova informacija između elemenata elektroenergetskog sustava uz uzimanje u obzir mogućnosti koje pružaju najnovije informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije;  


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