Acronym: SAECT 
Name: Safety aspects of electrochemotherapy for patients with implanted devices: Numerical models and bench testing 
Project status: From: 2016-01-01 To: 2017-12-31 (Completed)
Type (Programme): BILAT 
Project funding: -
International partner
Organisation Name: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko 
Organisation adress:  
Organisation country: Slovenija 
Contact person name: prof. dr. sc. Damijan Miklavčič 
Contact person email:  
Croatian partner
Organisation name: Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva 
Organisation address: Unska 3, 10 000 Zagreb 
Contact person name: izv. prof. dr. sc. Igor Lacković
Contact person tel:
01/6129-808  Contact person fax:  
Contact person e-mail: Email 
Short description of project
Electrochemotherapy is now a clinically accepted method for the treatment of cutaneous and subcutaneous tumors, while treatment of tumors located deep inside the body is in its research stage. For safety reasons, patients with implanted devices (pacemaker, pacemakerdefibrillator) have not been considered suitable candidates for electrochemotherapy. The focus of the proposed project is to develop and validate realistic numerical models that will take into account nonlinear dependency of the tissue electric conductivity on the local electric field, Joule effect and tissue temperature changes and tissue anisotropy during electroporation. In particular, we focus on the safety aspects of ECT patients with implanted devices. The aim of this joint research project is to use complementary biophysical methods and expertise that are available in both research teams. The added value of bilateral collaboration is complementary work of the participating teams. The Slovenian team will contribute its expertise in theoretical and numerical modeling of biological processes and in experimental work. The Croatian partner will contribute their knowledge and experience in the field of thermalelectric modeling and knowledge in the field of electronic instrumentation and pacemakers.  
Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner
Elektrokemoterapija je danas klinički prihvaćena metoda za tretman kožnih i potkožnih tumora, a tretman tumora smještenih dublje u unutrašnjosti tijela je u fazi istraživanja. Iz sigurnosnih razloga, pacijenti s implantiranim uređajima (elektrostimulator srca, elektrostimulator-defibrilator) nisu do sada smatrani pogodnim kandidatima za elektrokemoterapiju. U predloženom projektu se usredotočujemo na razvoj i eksperimentalnu validaciju modela elektroporacije tkiva, uzimajući u obzir nelinearnost specifične električne vodljivosti tkiva, Jouleov efekt i promjene temperature u tkivu te anizotropnost tkiva zbog elektropracije. Posebno se fokusiramo na sigurnosne aspekte elektrokemoterapije pacijenata s implantiranim uređajima. Za ostvarivanje ciljeva projekta uporabit ćemo metode, opremu i znanja, dostupna u sudjelujućim istraživačkim skupinama. Dodana vrijednost predloženog projekta je komplementarnost sudjelujućih partnera. Slovenski partner će doprinijeti znanjem s područja analitičkog i numeričkog modeliranja bioloških procesa te dugogodišnjim iskustvom iz izvođenja pokusa. Hrvatski partner će doprinijeti svojim znanjem i iskustvom iz područja toplinsko-električkog modeliranja te znanjem iz područja elektroničke instrumentacije i elektrostimulacije srca.  


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