Name: Biostratigraphy and depositional environments of the Permina and Triassic in Slovenia and Croatia (Biostratigrafija i taložni okoliši naslaga perma i trijasa Slovenije i Hrvatske) 
Project status: From: 2009-01-01 To: 2010-31-12 (Completed)
Type (Programme): BILAT 
Project funding: -
International partner
Organisation Name: Geological Survay of Slovenia 
Organisation adress: Dimičeva 14, Ljubljana 
Organisation country: Slovenia 
Contact person name: Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek 
Contact person email: Email 
Croatian partner
Organisation name: Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet 
Organisation address: Pierottijeva 6, Zagreb 
Contact person name: Dunja Aljinoivć
Contact person tel:
00 385 5535790  Contact person fax:
Contact person e-mail: Email 
Short description of project
The major goal of this project is to promote the interaction among researchers and institutions devoted to the study of the Permian-Triassic sediments and related biota of western Tethys. The main topics covered by the project are constrained to the area of the External Dinarides. The Late Permian catastrophe represents the severest mass extinction beyond comparison in the entire Earth's history. There are several hypothesis about what in fact happened and according to some data even up to 95% of biota became extinct. Possibly that great extinction was a consequence of the fusion of the existing landmasses into the Pangaea supercontinent, since the uniion of continents in the Permian considerably diminished the area of shallow seas in which most of the marine organisms lived. Although in the Upper Permian much of the western Pangea was covered by extended deserts, the land plants and vertebrates were not that seriously affected as the marine organisms. It must be kept in mind that assembling of the continents was not a simple geometric excercise, but a complex succession and enterplay of events, as for example the fall of sea-level, the drastically increased volcanic activity and other changes of environment that interactively resulted into the large extinction at the end of the Palaeozoic. Recently, new theories about the cause of the great end-Permian extinction have been put forward. They connect the extinction with an asteroid impact. Searching for proofs of all most important global events were mainly focused to geochemical methods, although these events caused great biogenic changes at the first place, but palaeontologic argumentation was for the most part subordinata. In the Meishan D section in China, the Permian-Triassic interval was biostratigraphically determined based on fossil assemblages and the systemic boundary has been defined by the first appearance datum (FAD) of the conodont element Hindeodus Parvus (Yin et al., 2001).    
Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner
1) to highlight and understand the evolutionary trends of both life and earth history during Permian-Triassic time span; 2) to enhance bilateral cooperation for geologists and palaeontologists who  are interested  in the Permain-Triassic stratigraphic interval; 3) to promote and produce a series of research results for the Permian-Triassic interval using a multidisciplinary approach; 4) to improve knowlwdge and better understand the Permian-Triassic world.  


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