Acronym: VSP 
Name: VSP – Vasilijevic Univ of Zagreb 
Project status: From: 2016-03-03 To: 2016-09-30 (Completed)
Contract number: N62909-16-1-2055 
Action line: Office of Naval Research Global; NICOP Research Grant 
Type (Programme): Ostali 
Instrument: Ostalo 
Project cost: 12.380,00 USD
Project funding: 12.380,00 USD
Project coordinator
Organisation Name: Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva 
Organisation adress: Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb 
Organisation country: Hrvatska 
Contact person name: mr. sc. Antonio Vasilijević 
Contact person email: Email 
Croatian partner
Organisation name: Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva 
Organisation address: Unska 3, 10 000 Zagreb 
Contact person name: mr. sc. Antonio Vasilijević
Contact person tel:
01/6129-805  Contact person fax:  
Contact person e-mail: Email 
Organisation nameCountry
Short description of project
University of Zagreb requests funding from ONRG Visiting Scientist Program to support travel to Caesarea, Israel to meet with and explore collaborative opportunities with the US Naval Research Enterprise.  This visit should facilitate research efforts between EU maritime robotic scientists and maritime scientists from various disciplines of interest to the US Naval Research Enterprise.   This proposed visit will leverage from a joint effort between University of Zagreb (POC Antonio Vasilijevic), University of Rhode Island (POC Bridget Buxton), University of Girona (POC Rafael Garcia) and Israel Antiquities Authority (POC Jacob Sharvit).  US Navy participants include Office of Naval Research, SPAWAR-Pacific and the Naval Research Laboratory.  This visit will enable research, demonstrations, and operational testing of experimental data  with Autonomous Unmanned Surface vehicles (ASVs) equipped with variety of remote sensing payload. The objective of this research effort is to evaluate remote sensing and processing techniques applied on specific tasks, mapping the shallow underwater archaeological site and to investigate presentation modes allowing virtual immersion into the mapped environment.  Visiting scientists from University of Zagreb (UNIZG-FER) will contribute to the project goal by bringing their customizable Unmanned Surface Vehicle PlaDyPos with ROS based architecture for control, communication, telemetry, and acoustic and optical data logging.   The desired outcome is to write a joint scientific paper documenting the results of this visit.   The group of multidisciplinary scientists will evaluate different data acquisition models and processing techniques of interest to the US Naval Research Enterprise based on comprehensiveness and ability to be integrated into navigable educational Virtual Reality.  If positive results are achieved, this may result in a joint NICOP proposal with University of Girona that could lead to valuable research for the US Naval Research Enterprise.     
Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner
ONRG je kroz program gostojući znanstvenik (VSP) odobrilo sredstva Sveučilištu u Zagrebu fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva za zajedničko terensko istraživanje u Izraelu sa Sveučilištem Rhode Island USA  (POC Bridget Buxton), Svučilištem Girona Španjolska (POC Rafael Garcia) and Israel Antiquities Authority (POC Jacob Sharvit).  Posjet istražuje i demonstrira na terenu primjenu autonomnog površinskog robota sa opremom za osjet na daljinu za mapiranje obalnih podvodnih arheoloških lokaliteta i primjenu prikupljenih podataka za prezentaciju lokaliteta u virtualnoj stvarnosti.  Gostujući znanstvenici sa UNIZG-FERa sudjeluju sa robotom PlaDyPos prilagođenim za ciljana istraživanja. Očekivani rezultat projekta je zajednički znanstveni članak svih partnera sa rezultatima ostvarenim tijekom posjeta. Partneri, grupa multidisciplinarnih znastvenika, će istražiti različite modele prikupljanja i obrade podataka i mogućnost njihove primjene u  virtualnoj realnosti a od interesa za  US Naval Research Enterprise.  



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